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27th Dec. - 10th. Januar 2024



14-days Mystic Journey To Awaken Your Divine Unity

In The Sacred Valley Of Peru

The Flight of the Feathered Serpent


The soul journey in the Sacred Valley of Peru will lead you to your highest crystalline mountains, the portals to the great cosmos and the deepest mysterious forests and waters inside your heart.  It is time to connect and remember who we really are, where we come from and where we go. Time to get to know all parts of your infinite being, getting in touch with the other worlds. Being one with the masculine and feminine forces, one with mother earth and great spirit, the divine. Flying high with the feathered serpent, the unity of the eagle and the snake, we will open and expand our heart consciousness to rise and shine in this new creation of all our worlds.



There are places on earth, where women and men live in peace and harmony with Mother Earth and Great Spirit.


These places have special powers.


With prayers and rituals people have been connecting with these natural forces for thousands of years. Here, one seeks contact with the upper, lower and middle worlds, with Pachamama and Pachacamap, the power of creation, the elemental light beings and the inner voice with the specific intention of resonating with it. This voice is that of the soul.


These are magical places full of nature spirits, where life is celebrated in every moment. Here one is in contact with the nature and learns how to use the tools that nature has given us to get closer to divinity.


Peru is one of those magical places.


The Sacred Valley is one very specific example of a large international community that has managed to combine knowledge from around the world with that of invaluable value from the Andes and the Peruvian Amazon. 


In this transcendent powerful 2-weeks journey we love to share this magic with you and guide you into the forgotten wisdom and wonders of your soul!



  • We will connect to the sacred land, the wisdom and mystery of the Andes.


  • We will receive wise indigenous women and men, the Q'ero Indians with their healing powers and their ancestral knowledge and cosmovision of the Andes.


  • We will see and hike to ancestral sacred places, lagoons, mountains, rivers and the native villages of Peru and do rituals and prayers.


  • We will heal with the sacred plants from the Andes and the jungle, listen to their voice in a ceremony and look deeply into the truth of our hearts.


  • We will take care of our bodies and minds with precious indigenous foods and cleansing, harmonizing practices.


  • We will nourish our soul holistically and be part of the community of the Valle Sagrados.


  • We will strengthen our mind and heart and live centrated in the here and now.


  • In search of the harmonious parts that make our soul dance, we begin the journey to the source of our infinite awareness.


  • In search of our mission and path we will encounter the beauty of life.



Full program, information and registration:



Homepage of the organizers:


Karin Binder I

Vanessa Catta Solinas I


Looking forward to this amazing immersion with you!


“Eine Zeremonie bei Karin erleben zu dürfen, war für mich etwas ganz Besonderes. Schon beim Eintreffen wird man von einer warmen, beschützenden Atmosphäre empfangen.  Die Zeremonien beginnen erst, wenn jeder vollkommen angekommen ist.  Karin schafft einen überaus liebevollen Raum in dem man sich gut aufgehoben fühlt.  Spürbar ist auch ihr tiefer Respekt und ihre bedingugnslose Liebe zum großen Geist und der Mutter. Dadurch fällt es leicht loszulassen, ins Vertrauen zu gehen und sich ganz dem Prozess hinzugeben."



Für so manche verschlossene Tür in mir
hast du die Schlüssel.
Nicht nur einen.
Mit Kundalini öffnest du mir die inneren Räume.
BrusTRaum und BauchTRaum
können fröhlich werden und weit.
Mit der Medizin de la madre
MachTRaum und LichTRaum
lösen mich in Geborgenheit auf.

Mit Yoga am Meer darf ich das Leben feiern.
Auf einem weißen Felsen mit dem Feueratem hineinfallen
in das Meer aller Möglichkeiten.


“Señora Karin ist mir ein großes Vorbild darin, sich selbst zu vertrauen und anzunehmen, mutig den eigenen Weg zu gehen und dem Leben in liebevoller Zuversicht zu begegnen.”


Thank You!

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